PrestaShop 1.7

PrestaShop version 1.7 introduced several improvements and new features compared to its predecessor, PrestaShop 1.6.x. Here are some highlights:

New Default Theme – “Classic”

A new default theme called “Classic” was introduced, offering a modern and responsive design. This theme enhanced visual appeal and adaptability across various devices.

Symfony Framework Integration

PrestaShop began integrating Symfony components in version 1.7.x. This integration aimed to enhance performance, improve code structure, and increase the maintainability of the platform.

Improved Product Creation Interface

The back-office interface for adding and managing products received enhancements. This update made the process more user-friendly and streamlined for merchants.

Revamped Module System

A revised module system allowed better compatibility with the new version. It provided developers with improved tools to create and manage modules for the platform.

Enhanced Front-end and Back-end Performance

Version focused on optimizing the performance of both the front-end (store interface) and back-end (admin panel). This resulted in faster loading times and improved responsiveness.

Mobile Responsiveness Improvements

The default theme and overall platform were made more mobile-friendly. They adapted better to various screen sizes, improving the shopping experience on mobile devices.

Improved Installer and Upgrader

The installation and upgrade process received updates to make it smoother and more user-friendly. These changes simplified the setup and migration to this new version for users.

Bug Fixes and Stability Enhancements

This version addressed several bugs and stability issues identified in previous versions. These fixes enhanced the overall reliability of the platform.

PrestaShop 8.1

Released in August 2023, PrestaShop 8.1 brought several updates and improvements compared to its predecessors:

Enhanced User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)

Refinements to the interface design made it more intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing for both store owners and customers.

Performance Optimization

Improvements to the platform’s speed, efficiency, and overall performance aimed for faster loading times and smoother operations.

Advanced Security Features

Upgraded security measures addressed emerging threats. New security patches and tools were introduced to safeguard the platform and user data.

New Functionality Additions

New functionalities, tools, or features were introduced to empower store owners with more options for managing their online stores effectively.

Enhanced Customization Options

New additions allowed for greater customization capabilities. This enabled merchants to tailor their stores more precisely to their needs.

Mobile Responsiveness Enhancements

Further improvements were made to adapt the platform to mobile devices. This ensured a seamless shopping experience across various screen sizes.

Improved Integration and Compatibility

Enhancements ensured compatibility with the latest technologies, third-party plugins, and integrations. This provided a more versatile ecosystem for users.

Bug Fixes and Stability

Addressing reported bugs and stability issues created a more reliable and smoother experience for both merchants and customers.

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